OneNet Takeaways

OneNet Takeaways

Takeaways & Impact

Daniela Bernardo introduces the OneNet Project, an initiative to create a unified architecture for Europe’s electrical system. Discover how this ambitious mission, involving 72 partners from 23 countries, harmonised data, coordinated processes, and empowered consumers to drive the green transition. Learn about the outcomes of the largest EU Horizon project on flexibility markets.

Insights for electricity market design

Nicolò Rossetto (FSR) interviews Helena Gerard (VITO). Helena highlights three issues where the work of OneNet can contribute to the development of European network codes for electricity and, more in general, to the design of a future-proof electricity market. They are 1) harmonisation of products and services, 2) quantification of the implications of different options, and 3) innovation at the process and tools’ level.

Flexibility markets and TSO-DSO cooperation

Nicolò Rossetto (FSR) interviews Jan Sagerstam (Volue), in which he lists three main learnings from the demonstrations in the Northern Cluster: 1) the necessity to understand the details of electricity market design; 2) the need to go beyond the current practice with data exchange to support market transactions; 3) the importance to facilitate participation if one wants to ensure customer engagement in flexibility markets.

Flexibility markets and consumer centricity

Nicolò Rossetto (FSR) interviews Anibal Sanjab (VITO). Anibal explains what flexibility in electricity markets is and why it is so important. Once provided mostly by generators and large consumers, flexibility can today be provided also by smaller consumers. Flexibility markets are expected to unlock their potential with the essential contribution of aggregators. However, to work efficiently, these markets require coordination by system operators, both at the transmission and distribution level.

Insights from demonstrators

Nicolò Rossetto (FSR) interviews José Pablo Chaves Ávila (Comillas), in which he provides the main insights derived from the analysis of the demonstration pilots performed during the project. According to José Pablo, OneNet demos confirmed that “no one-size solution fits all”. Indeed, flexibility markets can be organised in different ways and OneNet tested several of them in the different demos. However, thanks to the OneNet interconnector, it was possible to exchange data among different platforms for different purposes.